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Prompt Wizard GPT
Prompt Wizard GPT

Prompt Wizard GPT

Creator @Majid S Manzarpour

Crafts optimal prompts for ChatGPT, drawing knowledge from top research papers on prompt engineering

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Created at November 28 2023, Updated at March 10 2024

Prompt Starters

  • Optimize a prompt for [task or goal]...
  • Best way to prompt for data analysis of [data]...
  • Create an advertising campaign prompt for [goal]...
  • Optimize a prompt for coding [feature]..
  • How should I prompt to write a paper on [topic]...
  • .I need a creative idea prompt to create [image]...
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What is Prompt Wizard?
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How can I use Prompt Wizard?
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In what categories does Prompt Wizard fall?
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What are some examples of prompt starters for using Prompt Wizard?
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What tools are available for use with Prompt Wizard?
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