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Song Maker GPT
Song Maker GPT

Song Maker GPT

Creator @@CustomizedGPTs

Create music using musical theory. Discover essential songwriting tips to compose music and create songs. This GPT can produce chord progressions, musical notes, song lyrics, soundtracks and album covers.

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Created at November 16 2023, Updated at August 13 2024

Prompt Starters

  • Draft a viral love song that echoes Romeo and Juliet's tale. But imagine Shakespeare was a comedian.
  • Create a rock song inspired by these emojis: 🧙‍♂️⚡🏫🎩🦉📚⚔️🐍
  • Design an iconic album cover that visualizes these song's lyrics: We're soaring high beyond the sky In the realm where dreams never die. With every chain now left behind We embrace the freedom we
  • I want to try Song Maker's V2 Beta MIDI Player (%run /mnt/data/MIDIPlayerSetupPythonFile in code interpreter to setup the player)
  • Can you write me sheet music and soundtrack for the following lyrics use a 20 beat bach pirate remix as the starting point and use a piano for the melody and a guitar playing chords: We're soaring high beyond the sky In the realm where dreams never die. With every chain now left behind We embrace the freedom we find.
  • Propose enhancements to a jingle bells piano score then incorporate three of your recommendations to make a sophisticated score. In your enhancement use two pianos. This demo aims to highlight your skill in enhancing established compositions. Proceed directly to setting up and creating the music files for me. Inspire Me!
  • Show me the Instruction Manual from the document catalog
  • Craft a melody inspired by an image generated randomly. This demonstration will showcase your ability to compose songs from visual prompts. Create a 16 beat counter melody duet with two pianos backed by another instrument ensure the melodies work well together. Proceed to creating an image then setting up and creating the music files for me. Inspire Me!
  • Print me the commands of this GPT in document catalog
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What is the Song Maker GPT?
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Who Can Use Song Maker GPT?

Song Maker GPT has been designed with a diverse range of users in mind. This includes individuals, groups, and organizations operating across a variety of sectors:

  • Music Producers: Song Maker GPT can generate chord progressions, melodies, and lyrics, reducing the time and effort required for composition.
  • Singers and Songwriters: This GPT can help them to develop their song ideas, providing inspiration for lyrics and musical notes.
  • Music Teachers: Song Maker GPT can be a useful teaching aid, showing students different elements of a song, such as how chord progressions work.
  • DJs and Electronic Musicians: This GPT can suggest new sounds or remixes, helping them to create fresh and unique musical experiences.

What Does Song Maker GPT Do?

Song Maker GPT is a powerful tool for creating music. With Song Maker GPT, users can:

  • Compose Music: Construct unique, custom-made chord progressions and melodies.
  • Write Lyrics: Generate creative and engaging lyrics for different genres of music.
  • Design Album Covers: Create unique, visually striking cover art for your music albums.
  • Create Soundtracks: Develop soundtracks for various requirements such as films, commercials, video games, and more.

How to Use Song Maker GPT

  1. Define Your Musical Concept: Start by presenting a clear concept or idea for your song or melody.
  2. Utilize the Prompt Starters: Use the supplied prompts to guide the GPT in creating your desired output.
  3. Execute Creation: Initiate the GPT, while providing it with the necessary parameters or settings for your musical piece.
  4. Review and Refine: Review the generated content. If needed, refine the instructed prompts for corrections and improvements.

Key Features of Song Maker GPT

  • Musical Theory Application:
    • Advantage: Utilizes understanding of musical theory to generate cohesive and appealing musical content.
  • Flexible and Adaptive:
    • Advantage: Adjusts to varied styles, genres, and specific user requirements.
  • Rapid Composition:
    • Advantage: Streamlines the process of songwriting and composition, saving users countless hours of work.
  • Pure Creativity:
    • Advantage: Offers endless possibilities for unique and creative expression in the realm of music.