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The Negotiator GPT
The Negotiator GPT

The Negotiator GPT

Creator @ChatGPT

I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes. Become a great negotiator.

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Created at November 6 2023, Updated at June 5 2024

Prompt Starters

  • Could you role-play a salary negotiation with me?
  • Prepare me to negotiate for a car purchase
  • Walk me through figuring out my BATNA
  • How can I manage my emotions when negotiating?
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What is the purpose of The Negotiator GPT?
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How can the Negotiator GPT help with negotiating?
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Can I get emotional management training with the Negotiator GPT?
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What are the different tools provided by the Negotiator GPT?
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What is BATNA in the context of the Negotiator GPT?
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Who Can Use The Negotiator GPT?

The Negotiator GPT isn't just for anyone, it's renowned for greatly benefiting a range of professionals and industries. This includes:

  • Corporate Negotiators: It can help in preparing for intricate contract negotiations by offering helpful strategies and means to develop a strong BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement).
  • Sales Executives: Assistance in managing the negotiation process with key clients, which can lead to increased revenues and client satisfaction.
  • Job Seekers: Guidance on salary negotiation techniques to ensure they receive fair compensation for their role.
  • Procurement Managers: Skill development in effectively negotiating prices and conditions with suppliers.

What Does The Negotiator GPT Do?

The Negotiator GPT steps into the shoes of an ideal negociator and can help you with:

  • Role-Playing Negotiations: It can enact different negotiation scenarios providing important insights into prospective situations.
  • Purchase Preparations: The GPT guides users on how to prepare for key purchases like automobiles or property, considering key negotiating points.
  • Emotional Control: It gives tips on how to manage emotions during a tense negotiation process.
  • BATNA Management: It provides guidance on developing and optimizing your BATNA.

How to Use The Negotiator GPT

  1. Identify Your Negotiation Scenario: Whether it's a job interview negotiation, a supplier contract, or a major purchase, clarify what you're negotiating.
  2. Use Relevant Prompts: Seek guidance using the relevant prompts provided by the GPT, such as discussing a car purchase or preparing a BATNA.
  3. Implement GPT Advice: Apply the suggestions provided by the GPT in your real-world negotiation scenarios.
  4. Iterate and Improve: Regularly use the GPT to help refine your negotiation skills and strategies over time.

Key Features of The Negotiator GPT

  • Scenario-Based Role-Plays:
    • Advantage: It gives actionable strategies for a variety of negotiation scenarios, helping to prepare users for real-world situations.
  • Emotional Management Support:
    • Advantage: It offers ways to maintain emotional balance during intense negotiation scenarios, which can often affect outcomes.
  • BATNA Guidance:
    • Advantage: Access to strategies for developing and leveraging your BATNA, a critical aspect of successful negotiations.
  • General Negotiation Support:
    • Advantage: Available on-demand whenever you need help with a negotiation, no matter the time or place.

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